Dear Boy...

Back in November, my friends set me up with another friend of theirs. The thing is that I happened to know this guy very well. His brother was my brother's best friend back in the day, AND his mom was my
Sunday School teacher for years. So, it's fair to say that we knew each other.

We talked every day (a couple times we were up until 2 or 3 AM) It was like I could tell him everything,
I could be myself. He was always a
perfect gentleman
[which is kind of a big deal for me]
We were together almost every day for two weeks. Then everything just stopped.

I was afraid that I did something wrong. I was worried that I had somehow messed things up like I usually do. Finally, he told me that he had some big news. He was  moving in January.

I just thought, "it's all good, that's not for two months, we'll deal with this when it gets here."

And we were back to our usual routine of talking every day, even if it was just a "hey, have a great day"
kind of thing.

I was starting to think that this was just
too good to be true.

We hung out a few more times, went on a couple of dates, then *poof* it was over.
I haven't spoken to him beyond small talk in over three weeks.

Good grief, is it pathetic that I feel like I've lost something? The worst part is that I'm not even sure that
it was mine to lose in the first place.

The best part about this whole thing is that
I've learned.
I've learned that sometimes
I jump into things too fast.
I've learned that
I'm not a heartless zombie
[heh okay, that's a joke, but for real, it's comforting to know that I am capable of feeling like that]

AND I've finally been on a real date.
halellujah almost 20 years old and I went on my first real date in November.
[sorry for the slight tangent there]

Anyway, I had the time of my life.
Do I miss him? definitely.
Am I going to let him know that?
I don't know. [unless he reads this,
probably not]

But hey, it's a new year. Time for new friends, new knowledge, blah blah, ya'll have heard all that garb before.
So here's to 2012, let's make it the best year of our lives!


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"This life is what you make it... You're going to mess up sometimes, just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie?" -Marilyn Monroe


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