The things I'm gonna do before I die (or so I hope):
[] sing in front of a crowd
[] go skydiving
[X] go white water rafting
[X] break a colt
[X] pull an all-nighter
[X} go to the NFR in Vegas
[] visit the National History Museum
[] find a somewhat-large antler shed
[] sleep in a tent overnight in Yellowstone
[] see the Northern Lights
[X] go repelling
[X] break a colt
[X] pull an all-nighter
[X} go to the NFR in Vegas
[] visit the National History Museum
[] find a somewhat-large antler shed
[] sleep in a tent overnight in Yellowstone
[] see the Northern Lights
[X] go repelling
[] go to Venice
[X] teach someone something they don't know
[] learn guitar
[X] pay for someone else's groceries
[X] see hard work pay off
[X] pay for someone else's groceries
[X] see hard work pay off
[X] finish a quilt
[X] date someone I can see myself marrying
[X] laugh so hard you cry
[] fly first class
[X] go snowboarding
[X] go repelling
[X] go repelling
[] bungee jump
[] run a half marathon
[] learn to speak another language fluently
[] graduate college
[X] come out of a heartbreak stronger than I was before
[] have kids
[] get married
[X] graduate high school
[] kiss in the rain
[] visit Europe
[X] not procrastinate for one full month
[] see an eclipse
[X] help someone achieve a dream
[X] help someone achieve a dream
[X] coach softball
[X] use a fire hose
[X] be an answer to someone's prayer
[] read 50 books in a summer
[X] use a fire hose
[X] be an answer to someone's prayer
[] read 50 books in a summer
[] watch a meteor shower
[] visit all 50 states
[] go to Canada
[] go horseback riding on the beach
[X] go night sledding
[X] get a 4.0
[X] learn to watercolor
[X] get an award
[X] bat above .300
[X] learn the ASL alphabet
[X] go streaking
[X] go skinny dipping
[] swim in the ocean
[] go to the Opery in Nashville
[X] see Miranda Lambert live
[] go on a cruise
[] ride in a hot air balloon
[] go to Russia
[X] milk a cow
[] see Machu Picchu
[] go to Disneyland
[X] be in a food fight
[X] play at least two instruments
[X] learn to play poker
[X] get a welt from paintballing
[X] learn origami
[X] learn to play chess
[X] watch the sunrise
[X] touch a snake
[] get out of debt
[] own a diamond ring from Tiffany's
[] see Niagra Falls
[] see Niagra Falls
[X] run/work on a ranch
[X] go jeeping
[X] be in a wedding
[X] go jeeping
[X] be in a wedding
[X] meet a general authority
[] learn to forgive myself
[] become a teacher
[X] watch a sunset
[] have a dog named Moose
[] be in a musical
[] see Wicked
[X] learn to drive a stick shift
[X] learn to drive a stick shift
[] go to the Kentucky Derby
[] go to a professional baseball game
[X] eat calamari (fried squid)
[X] eat sushi
[X] eat sushi
[X] make home made ice cream
[X] see the lights at Temple Square during Christmas
[] go to Rockefeller Center at Christmas
[X] get thrown into a pool fully clothed
[X] mud wrestling
[X] meet a celebrity
[X] donate hair to Locks of Love
[X] keep a blessings journal
[] make a difference
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